Other ways to give
Did you know that you can help Lakewood Playhouse earn donations while you shop?
Simply connect our organization to your Community Rewards Program card through your local Fred Meyers
You can help Lakewood Playhouse earn donations just by shopping with your Fred Meyer Rewards Card!
- Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Lakewood Playhouse at
- You can search for us by name (Lakewood Playhouse) or by our non-profit number: DT078
- Every time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you are helping Lakewood Playhouse earn a donation.
- You will still earn your Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Rebates as usual.
Lakewood Playhouse is committed to our local community. Not only do we provide access to some of the finest theatre in the south sound - we provide children and families with wonderful, meaningful opportunities. Investing in Lakewood Playhouse is an investment that directly serves your community. There are many ways you can help:
- Friend's Fund
- Monthly Giving
- In-Kind Donations
- Sponsorships
- Volunteer
Individuals and corporations can donate to Lakewood Playhouse's Friend's Fund. Lakewood Playhouse is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit, so all donations are probably tax deductible. Consult your tax professional for more information. We accept gifts of all types and sizes. Gifts to our Friend’s Fund help make our quality productions possible.
Friend’s Fund Giving Levels:
Individuals and corporations can donate to Lakewood Playhouse's Friend's Fund. Lakewood Playhouse is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit, so all donations are probably tax deductible. Consult your tax professional for more information. We accept gifts of all types and sizes. Gifts to our Friend’s Fund help make our quality productions possible.
Friend’s Fund Giving Levels:
- Friend: Under $100
- Patron: $100 - $249
- Benefactor: $250 - $499
- Director’s Circle: $500 - $999
- Producer’s Circle: $1000 or more
Lakewood Playhouse has teamed up with FLIPCAUSE to create one of our most requested ways to donate to the theatre - Monthly Sustaining Donations.
By donating a small amount of as little as $10.00 a month (less than two lattes a month or a trip to McDonalds), your donation can grow to an amount of $120.00 a year. That kind of sustained giving makes a huge impact!
As a Sustainer, you provide steady, reliable support to Lakewood Playhouse. Since we know we can count on your monthly support, we are able to decrease fundraising expenses and put more of your contribution directly into shows and educational programs.
And remember: you can cancel at anytime should you need to.
Lakewood Playhouse has teamed up with FLIPCAUSE to create one of our most requested ways to donate to the theatre - Monthly Sustaining Donations.
By donating a small amount of as little as $10.00 a month (less than two lattes a month or a trip to McDonalds), your donation can grow to an amount of $120.00 a year. That kind of sustained giving makes a huge impact!
As a Sustainer, you provide steady, reliable support to Lakewood Playhouse. Since we know we can count on your monthly support, we are able to decrease fundraising expenses and put more of your contribution directly into shows and educational programs.
And remember: you can cancel at anytime should you need to.
Lakewood Playhouse also accepts donations of goods and services. We are currently looking for the following items:
Lakewood Playhouse also accepts donations of goods and services. We are currently looking for the following items:
- Wireless communications system
- Genie Lift
If you would like to hear about specific donor opportunities, you can also sign up to our Sponsorship mailing list by clicking the link below.